Jose Moran Urena

Hello! I am a self-taught software developer with back-end certification from Meta. I am also the Head Developer for Clipzy, and a VATSIM pilot (working on the P1 rating).

2048 Bitcoin

2048 Bitcoin was a play-to-earn game where you play 2048 and earn satoshis. Sadly due to unspecified reasons, the company was sold and the game dissolved.

Biteq by Teqquu

Biteq by Teqquu waas a Bitcoin Lightning API where developers could integrate it with games/faucets to make gaming more fun! Unfortunately, decided to make hosting cost money so now we have to find another server if we want to host it back again.

ZEBEDEE Verifier

ZEBEDEE Verifier is a Discord bot that lets you verify other users with them logging in to their ZEBEDEE account!

NOAH Verifier

NOAH Verifier is a Discord bot that lets you verify other users with something simple as the ZBD lightning address!


SAT-ZAP was a collaboration between me and Jake. It was meant to be similar to, but that quickly was gone after funding issues.


Clipzy is the social media app for editors, by editors. It is currently in development with a team of over 60 developers, animators, legal advisors, beta testers, and more. Check out the website for more information!


No, I don't work for Volanta, but I want to share my profile with you guys for you all to see some of the flights I have done.


You can view all my certifications with this Google Drive folder!

© Jose Moran Urena. All rights reserved.